What mortal sin did you commit to end up working in IT?
Befriending a super nerd
What was your very first job?
Gathering sticks and berries for my clan before the winter or dinosaurs came.
What is your superpower?
What new skill or hobby did you pick up during the pandemic lockdown?
Netflix marathons
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Still waiting to grow up, super late bloomer
How long would you survive during a zombie apocalypse.
Dead just reading the word zombie
If you could have dinner with anyone, anywhere who and where would it be?
Sherry Steele, Cabo – I would give anything to have that dinner again with her overlooking the sea of cortez, fireworks in the sky, celebrating her birthday, for the last time.
What is the thing you’re most afraid for people to know about you?
I’m a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a cotton rayon blend.
Is a hotdog a sandwich?
No dah, it’s a hot dog
Why do you get out of bed in the morning?
Because someone has to pay the bills
Would you rather fight 1 horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses?
I am a lover ( mostly of animals) not a fighter
What would you rather be doing right now?
What’s your favourite part of working in IT?
What is the most interesting IT problem you’ve worked on?
I don’t, I get the super nerd to
What do you like the most about working with Tenacious?
The super nerds